About Us

LIVINGSTONE XXIX II MMIV is a Christ centered clothing label geared toward spreading the Gospel of the coming of the "Kingdom of God" to all corners of the Earth as commissioned by Jesus himself. It aims to spread Truth by presenting it in simple digestible design forms on printed apparel. In doing so exposing the difference between the Truth that Jesus speaks of against the dogma that religious institutions of world have peddled for centuries. Most importantly correcting the misconception that the "Gospel" is not that "Jesus died for our sins" but rather that it is the coming of the "Kingdom of God" as declared by Jesus himself (Mark 1:14-15) which is the true "Gospel" and that believing in him and his death and resurrection is the "Way" into the "Kingdom of God". The "Kingdom of God" being God's "System" of living as opposed to the physical place of Heaven. Those who have excepted Jesus have by faith inherited the "Authority", as citizens of God's Kingdom, to apply the principles of God's Kingdom system in their lives on Earth as it is in Heaven thereby accessing all God has promised in life WHILE STILL ALIVE rather than waiting for death to get to Heaven, this is the "Good News". God's Kingdom is God's social and economic system governed by God's political system founded on God's legal system that has been given to free humanity from their own political, legal, social and economic systems which have enslaved humanity since the Fall in Eden.  LIVINGSTONE XXIX II MMIV  attempts to be an example of the application of God's Kingdom principles within the operation of business where it is not the pursuit of profit that drives the business but rather delivering a product that adds value to society as a whole that is the motivation and profit is a consequence of that pursuit. Where capital is funded by shareholders active in the daily operation of the business and the Kingdom principle of  ZERO DEBT funding is implemented. This creates a debt free foundation which generates a slower but solid organic growth model that is not artificially inflated by debt leveraging of any sort thereby mitigating systemic risk out of the equation (Kingdom economic system). Where the structure of business is worker owned and operated rather than separating management from passive investors and shareholders, giving workers control of management down to labour, thereby self accountabilty and self regulation is intrinsic within this form of business structure (Kingdom political system).The market targeted is the Christian population (spiritual Israelites) and those who are searching for Truth (spiritual gentiles) which means brand loyalty is an inevitable consequence as customers only purchase products if they truly believe in what the brand stands for and what the product is delivering. Profit that is generated is apportioned between reinvestment into the business and distributions to affiliated charities (Kingdom social system). Governing everything that the business carries out is the submition to God's authority and the application of every venture according to his will, as opposed to what the world dictates, as examplified by Jesus (Kingdom legal system). Jesus said he was the "way", he said he was the "foundation", he said he was the "gate" to the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of God is now here on earth to be established in every aspect of life by those who enter through Jesus. That is the true Gospel!